Top London Christmas Shopping Spots for Unique Gifts
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The Best Christmas Shopping Destinations

Thursday, 08 December 2016

It is very likely that you will be hitting the shops aroundLondon in the next two weeks to find the best gifts ideas for your loved ones.

We thought about our favourite shopping destinations that aremagical during Christmas time and where you are sure to find presents whichwill delight your friends and family.

Fortnum and Mason:The iconic upmarket department store is the perfect place to find luxury hampers,which can be shipped worldwide! You can personalize them by choosing eachproduct to go inside or choose one ready to go. We love the “English EssentialsHamper” with all the English favourite treats! For the ultimate Christmasfeeling, go to the 3rd floor and find your inner child in the Christmasshop.

181 Piccadilly, London, W1A 1ER
Tube Stations: Green Park or Piccadilly Circus

Jermyn Street:You don’t have to go far from The Cavendish to have your Christmas shoppingdone! Jermyn Street is the ideal place to find amazing gifts for realgentlemen! Boasting traditional perfumers, tailors or shoemakers, be sure tofind quintessentially British quality products.

Tube Stations: Green Park or Piccadilly Circus

Carnaby Street:The vibrant and rock’n’roll Carnaby Street is definitely one of the coolestshopping destinations of the capital. You can find independent stores there orsome of the best British fashion brands such as Doc Martens, Barbour Heritageor former Oasis’ singer Liam Gallagher’s fashion brand Pretty Green.

Tube Stations: Oxford Circus or Piccadilly Circus

Liberty: Justaround the corner of Carnaby Street, Liberty, the department store praised forits arts and crafts sections, is a first class destination for your Christmasshopping. Discover their beautiful window displays and step in the Stationarydepartment for quirky gift ideas! You will also find clothing, footwear, beautyproducts and crafts sections.

Regent St, Carnaby,London W1B 5AH
Tube Station: Oxford Circus or Piccadilly Circus

Harrods: Atnight-time, head to Knightsbridge and be amazed by Harrods’ 11,500 light bulbs,lighting up the luxury department store. Looking for some beauty gits? TheBeauty department is astonishing and the highly professional sales consultantsthere are a great help should you need assistance. You can also have a look totheir Online Christmas Ultimate Gifts guide for some inspiration… (

87-135 Brompton Rd,Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7XL
Tube Stations: Knightsbridge

Author: Cavendish.London